Thursday 17 December 2015

Top 20 Most Powerful Asian Countries

Top Ten Most Powerful Asian Countries

The Top TenXW

India is the best you dumbs! Have you seen the growth rate of India?M+30
Growth rate doesn't measure power. Power means influence over other nations. India's not that powerful. And this is coming from a Punjabi. - rishal21M-9
India is said to be superpower people at school say that there weak but the sad truth they can't except that India has much power to destroy the worldM+20
All those Chinese dudes are living with those false myths that they can beat India. And China doesn't even have a real army its armed forces are only protectors of the communist party not the Chinese people. It's a fact wikipedia thatM+16
I am an IndianMnew
V55 Comments
Pakistan is the Best! Have a look here 1.In the last five years, Pakistan s literacy rate has grown by 250 , the largest increase in any country to date.

2. Pakistan is the first Islamic country to attain nuclear power.

. Edhi is running the World s largest Ambulance network.

4. World s youngest certified Microsoft Experts Arfa Kareem Late and Babar Iqbal are from Pakistan.

5. Pakistan has the sixth largest military force in the world.

6. Pakistan s national anthem tune ranks first in the top three tunes of the world.

7. Fourth largest broadband internet system of world is in Pakistan

8. World s largest deep sea port is Gwadar.

9. About 50 of the world s footballs are made in Pakistan.

10. Pakistan is notable for having one of the best trained air force pilots in the world.

11. Pakistan has world s youngest civil judge, Muhammad Illyas.

12. The highest railway station of Asia is in Pakistan.

13. First ...moreM+5
This country has the best tanks, submarines, army, nuclear power and bravest soldiers in the world!M+6
Pakistan is the most power full countryM+8
I love my country PakistanMnew
V63 Comments
I don't understand who put Vietnam for POWERFUL nations
From Vietnam with love
Lots of cheap workersM-1
Vietnam is the most powerful countries because Look the flag has a star.Mnew
V7 Comments
A rapidly growing countryM+9
Iran is my country and I love and I think it should be top 1#M+7
Iran must be in the first placeM+8
Iran is my country. It isn't just a country it's a world.Mnew
V11 Comments
The only reason Russia is third in the world is the way they get there money is oil when the world starts to reach the future sadly Russia will fall short same as China knowing there communist and the water in there country is running out over population etcM+1
Russia is on the wrong list. they aren't Asian. (not saying it's a bad thing, just saying)M+4
Russia is much power fullM+5
The no. 1 in the world 😊 best and brightest than AmericaMnew
V10 Comments
No doubt, China is the first but after China Japan has the third largest economy in the World. Yen is one of the most important currencies which has huge impact to the economy. The export tons of goods everyday, to make our lives better; cars, electronics, robots, etc..M+6
It has the second best economy this comes from a American I know they are a country of great people with good technology advancements but there are a little bit of flaws
Not the strongest but WAY stronger than Vietnam by any stretch of the imagination, voting for that purpose. - ShanB
Japan is the most powerful country in Asia...Mnew
V8 Comments
The mongol empire
Yes I like that
I think this list was created by some Indian or Pakistani fool. No way India and Pakistan could come to 1st and 2nd place while China is on 8? And Russia? Get the facts very straight my dear Indians and Pakistani's that China should be at India's place and Russia should follow on Pakistan's second number. This list should be considered a disgrace for major Asian nations. This is coming from a Pakistani who lives not in dream, but reality.M+5
China should be first. They are very powerful. Best economy in all Asia and second best in the world.M+11
Actually I'm a Filipino and Philippines isn't really powerful but we're still trying to develop it!

Anyways, for me China should be number 1. They have the biggest population in the whole world!

That's all what I have to say but just because I voted China it doesn't mean I like them.M+3
With the biggest population and th 2nd Economy and the biggest troop China is number one in AsiaMnew
V26 Comments
9VoteESouth Korea
Should be in the top 5 Asian countriesM+3
What? Serious? This country should be in at least 4
Japan beat Korean lol
V4 Comments
10VoteESaudi Arabia
Isis lovers terrorist and child killers in YemenM+2
A very big Muslim country and Pakistan is proud of you because allah homeM-1
Killing chuldren does not mean your strong1 how can you kill your fellow Muslim brother especially arabM+1
Really powerful Asian country in the Middle East.Mnew
V5 Comments

The Newcomers

?VoteESri Lanka
Such stupid dumbos I never understood Sri Lankan EnglishM-1
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The Contenders

Philippines has experienced of being colonized by 3 countries, liked Spain, Japan and USA but it was end into close ties friend and allies, through their aggression, Filipinos learned on how to become tough, indeed our government are trying to purchase some sort of high power military equipment's to modernized our country although with the helps of some good allies countries, it will be the first step and to become one of a powerful country in the future, if we go back last 3 decades ago, may be now Philippines is one among of 5 powerful countries with the leadership of Marcos.M+3
Many countries tried to invade Philippines from the past, Philippines may be colonized by other countries but before that happened, filipinos give them a very bitter fight...M+8
Philippines may lack in high tech things but the people here are strong, brave and one of the most in demand around the world in terms of professionals and manpower...M+7
As in I hope someday top 1Mnew
V16 Comments
12VoteENorth Korea
The best of allM-6
The Israel is a mockery country I don't love it. They are rough and brutal.M+3
GOD own country
Who said Israel was an Asian country because according to a map it is considered an European countryM-6
They have the best weapon of all... GodMnew
V10 Comments
Indonesia have a greatest elite troops. and 4th biggest population have big economy the strongest people Indonesia might be the have the many strongest people I think top five Asia
Indonesia has the greatest elite troopsM+1
Indonesia is powerful military in GFP Indonesia on rank 13 in the world
V5 Comments
Thailand is the safest, though not entirely. The amazing thing is that I never of any snatch thrift before, or even any report of it. Most of the things involves foreigner trying to abuse the Thai, but authorities are quick to act.
Thailand Thailand Thailand Thailand I should stop saying Thailand no I said it again!
Malaysia is the weakest country in the world perhaps. Laziness and corruption are the reasons.M-1
Nepal don't have independence day because Nepal wasn't any foreign policy.M+4
Nepal is one of the least developed nationsM+2
Single country in world which was never colonised by any country.
Turkey is absolutely one of the strongest in Asia. Turkey, Pakistan, India, China, Russia, Japan, South-Korea, North-Korea and Israel are the powers in Asia.

The Ottoman Empire will rise again in 2023. Turkey will have it's own fighter jets, fifth-generation fighterjets, warships, tanks, drones, rockets, defense systems, transport and even DLC's. ASELSAN, Otokar and TAI are developing this, in 2023 it is ready for use. The Turkish economy will become one of the best, the infrastructure will become better then EU, physicians will increase, cities will become very modern like Istanbul and Ankara. Turkey will have worlds greatest airport in the world. Beko and Vestel are the greatest electronic producers in EU. -killuminati52

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